The boy is being evacuated from his home as a war rages on. He is forced to leave his parents' home and live with another man. This shows how war can affect people's lives.
that if he wanted to live he would have to think ahead and try to stay on step ahead of her.(his mother)
Yunior cordially loathes his father, resenting him deeply for his serial philandering and all-round macho attitude, which he finds repugnant. A relatively quiet and passive boy, Yunior takes after Mami, who displays the kind of subservience that one would expect from a mother according to the Oedipal model.
Explanation: The answer should be in the first sentence. Hope this helps pls leave me a like ; )
the Harlem Renaissance was an intellectual, social, and artistic explosion that took place in Harlem, New York, spanning the 1920s. During the time, it was known as the "New Negro Movement", named after The New Negro, the 1925
Time flies:clasue
forgive and forget:phrase
whentime comes to a stop:clause
before midnight:phrase