This Renaissance was an African-American movement that took place in the late 1920s and 1930s, it became known as the Harlem Renaissance precisely because it started in the neighborhood of Harlem in the United States. It was in this period that directors, editors and critics realized that the expressions of art of the African American people were beginning to draw the nation's attention in an expressive way, something that was stronger in literature, however, in other art forms there were also great exponents African-American.
The Harlem Renaissance began to emerge in the midst of an intellectual and social upheaval that eventually emerged and spread throughout the 20th century African American community. Something that happened right after the North American Civil War that ended up generating a black middle class, something that favored the emergence of jobs and better education conditions for Afro descendants.
Jackie Mabley "Moms Mabley" adopted her theatrical name, Jackie Mabley, from that of an old friend. Later on she was known as "Moms" because she was truly a "Mom" for many other comedians from the 1950s and 1960s. At the age of 27, she declared herself a lesbian, and was one of the first artists on the comedy circuit to be qualified as triple-X
From the 1820s through the 1850s American governmental issues moved toward becoming in one sense more just, in another more prohibitive, and, by and large, more divided and all the more adequately controlled by national gatherings. Since the 1790s, legislative issues turned out to be more majority rule as one state after another finished property capabilities for voting. Legislative issues turned out to be more prohibitive as one state after another formally rejected African Americans from the suffrage. By 1840, every white man could vote in everything except three states (Rhode Island, Virginia, and Louisiana), while African Americans were prohibited from voting in everything except five states and ladies were disfranchised all over the place. In the meantime, political pioneers in a few states started to restore the two-party strife that had been the standard amid the political battles between the Federalists and the Jeffersonian Republicans (1793– 1815). Gatherings and gathering struggle wound up plainly national with Andrew Jackson's crusade for the administration in 1828 and have remained so from that point forward. Gatherings named possibility for each elective post from fence watcher to president and battled valiantly to get them chose.
Judicial Review refers to the ability of the Supreme Court to deem a law unconstitutional, meaning that it puts a check on the legislature, which is import to ensure liberty.
To live out the Great Commission today, I am sharing the truth of God's Word with others, through various virtual platforms during this corona virus pandemic, by spreading hope, love, and encouragement and being an positive channel of support for others. I am doing this by sharing Scriptures, prayers, thoughtful and inspiring messages to love ones and friends so they will know that they are not alone, as we navigate these very difficult times together and joining our faith together in trusting in God to bring about miraculous healing to our land.
The Great Commission was given to the disciples of Jesus Christ in the New Testament, to go and spread the gospel (or the "good news" which was that Jesus had come into the world to save the world from their sins, he lived as a man, was crucified on Calvary's cross, died and rose again on the 3rd day) all over the land. In having the disciples spread the gospel, the truth of God's Word would touch the hearts of all who heard, to place their faith and trust in the Lord Jesus Christ, the One who offers eternal life, hope, peace, love, and eternal security. The reason this is important is because "sin" separates mankind from a saving relationship with holy God. Jesus came to restore our broken relationship with his Father through his sacrificial death on Calvary's cross.
Music was a way for slaves to express their feelings whether it was sorrow, joy, inspiration or hope. songs were passed down from generation to generation throughout slavery. these songs were influenced by African and religious traditions and would later form the basis for what is known as “Negro Spirituals”