The law is something that has been verified
Option C
In elephant seals, the male arrive the beach first and start establishing its territory. Once their territory is established female elephant seals starts arriving at the beach and prefer mating with the male who can defend their territory or females in his territory from other males. All females in the territory of specific male mate with the male give birth to their pups and after staying for few months move back into the water.
hence, option C is correct
Protein I think is the answer for this question.
The phenomenon that explains the trend seen in the data is that the mosquitoes' evolution has led them to develop resistance to the compound.
This is a very common factor that we can see in insects. The effect of DDT on the species will have different levels of impact. One is going to be more vulnerable to the compound that the rest. However, after many times of exposition to the compound, a few survivors will develop resistance to the compound and their offspring is going to inherit that resistance. Making them increase the resistance over time.