The following code is written in Java and it simply creates the 2-Dimensional int array with the data provided and then uses the Arrays class to easily print the entire array's data in each layer.
import java.util.Arrays;
class Brainly {
public static void main(String[] args) {
int[][] arr = {{16, 17, 14}, {17, 18, 17}, {15, 17, 14}};
System.out.print(Arrays./*Remove this because brainly detects as swearword*/deepToString(arr));
Webpage is a page of a site, such as, where the bolded text is the page.
On the other hand, web applications, or simply web apps, are found in many websites, such as here and also in Connexus. They end in either aspx or jsp, which stand for appx and javascript page, respectively.
So, your answer would be A: Web pages provide information, while web applications allow the user to do something.
Hope this was answer you were looking for. Have a nice day!
If one or more of the shared sites go down, then there is a good chance that your site will go down as well.
Shared web hosting is a form of web hosting service whereby more than one websites are placed on a single web server that connects to the internet.
Though it is cheaper, it has various problems. And over time, it has been concluded that the major problem associated with shared web hosting is the security issue.
This implies that "If one or more of the shared sites go down, then there is a good chance that your site will go down as well."
Some other problems associated with Shared web hosting are poor value, less flexibility, none advanced features, slow service, less support.