Perhaps try adding a conflict? If a story's all happy-go-lucky, it won't draw the reader's interest. For example,
- Sabotage by a so-called friend
- Becoming I'll
- Group Project
- Being given an assignment that you're scared to do (for example, public speaking.
Sexual reproduction produces offsprings that resemble their parents but are at the same time unique genetically.
So what roles do society, politics, and economics play in science?Economics determines how much money is available to fund scientific research. Certain federal grants come directly out of the national economy, which determines if certain research projects can continue or are cut off.Politics affect science by passing some bills that directly affects science, congressmen can determine whether those funds from the economy will be used for research or not. Just a side note: wealthy lobbyists control alot of what politicians do, by donating millions into their election campaigns. Society affects science by our citizens democratically electing those politicians that we think will or will not endorse scientific research projects. For example, embryonic stem cell research has been under fire by conservatives for taking future babies' cells to study. Liberals, however, tend to be in favor of change and new advances scientifically
if you need it shorter "Society, made up of the country's citizens, can influence science by electing politicians (president and congressmen); the politicians can then affect the economic funding of scientific research, either by increasing or decreasing government grants to scientific projects."
Energy is stored in <u>glucose</u> molecules <u>C6H12O6</u>
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Producers make sugars stored as monomers bonded together to form polysaccharides, long chain hydrocarbon molecules as a result of the process of <u>photosynthesis</u>. These molecules, like the monosaccharide glucose, store converted solar energy as stable chemical energy in covalent bonds. In covalent bonding, the elements share electrons with each other.
These high-energy bonds are stable and not easily destabilized or broken. The energy is retrieved the the process of respiration in the mitochondria.
Glucose is broken down, while energy is transferred to bonds between ADP and inorganic phosphate, to produce ATP (adenosine triphosphate).
Eg. for aerobic respiration...
C6H12O6 (glucose) + 6 O2 → 6 CO2 + 6 H2O + ≅38 ATP
glucose+ oxygen → carbon dioxide+ water+ energy
Tress or plants can't move they can grow, reproduce and evolve but not move.