I believe it is best to own a house because you don't have to worry about rent, you would be able to save a lot more money. But even though you could save money you would be responsible with any issues your house has (like leaks, rotten floors etc.) although as long as you keep your house clean and in good shape you are more likely to be fine and have no financial issues. 62.1% of people in the U.S own their own households because of the save in money. The other 37.9% rent their homes, most likely because of lack of money. Owning your household helps a lot with stress as well according to mental health doctors, owning a house takes down a little over 30% of stress over money.
After the success of The Outsiders, Hinton chose to continue writing and publishing using her initials, because she did not want to lose what she hadmade famous, and to allow her to keepher private and public lives separate.
Answer: Barter system
Barter (derived from baretor) is a system of exchange where participants in a transaction directly exchange goods or services for other goods or services without using a medium of exchange, such as money.
Answer: 2 words were spelled incorrectly
You can’t take anything for granted in terms of how much of an American master he truly was—no small detail, no seemingly arbitrarry brush stroke, no corner left unturned. The sound of the crowd did not abate until Lulu stood up in the shallow water and triumphantly marched onto the shore. She loaned money to the desstitute, but never borrowed. However, my skill as a hunter has been predicated upon my perfect, stealthy approach.
because they have tpo be smart