In 1887, after several years of debate and controversy, Congress passed the General Allotment Act, or “Dawes Act,” and President Cleveland signed it into law. The goal of the policy was to break down tribal relationships and hasten Native assimilation into mainstream society.
The one action that was taken by the First Continental Congress was the forming of The Association or Continental Association to enforce a boycott of all contact with British goods.
The delegates hoped that Britain would cancel its Intolerable Acts by reversing the economic sanctions that was place on the colonist.
Like the modern bubonic plague, scientists believe the Plague of Justinian spread through fleas. Studies indicate the plague may have originated in China or India and was then transported to the fertile valleys of Egypt through trade routes.
Northern, middle, and southern colonies.
The northern colonies had the largest population of any of the colonial regions and were the most similar in regarding to religion. However, this religious zeal began to give way before a growing economy in the early to mid eighteenth century. Rich merchants began to have more influence than puritan preachers. Fish was New England's major export, but livestock and timber also were major exports in the New England economy which was tied to the Atlantic trade routs.
Economically, the Middle Colonies focused mainly on being self sustaining. They lived on family farms where they grew enough to live on. They did not focus on growing large amounts of cash crops like the Southern Colonies. However, the Middle Colonies did export a significant amount of wheat, which made many colonists in this region very wealthy.
The Southern Colonies also had their own unique traits. The major export in the Southern Colonies was tobacco, which was grown in very large quantities on large plantations. The tobacco business was a very labor intensive process. The southern colonies quickly became the most wealthy region of the British colonies. The wealthiest southerners dominated southern politics and created an oligarchy.