People prefer composite faces.
If we take some face's picture, and we make it digital, we could make a composite or averaged face, and when we compare composite faces with originals pictures, people prefer the composite faces because there was symmetry in those faces.
For example:
There was a research where a digitalized student faces men and women, researchers make a composite face for every original, people prefer composite face against the original face.
Description: Write a MASM 32bit program with a loop and indexed addressing that calculates the sum of all thegaps between successive array elements. The array elements are doublewords, sequenced in nondecreasing order.
;Include file used with link library for 32 bit applications
.model flat,stdcall
.stack 4096
ExitProcess proto,dwExitCode:dword
myArray DWORD 0,2,5,9,10
arrSize = ($-myArray)/TYPE myArray
gapArr DWORD arrSize-1 DUP(?)
sum DWORD ?
main PROC
;Call the procedure
call Clrscr
;Initialize ESI pointer
mov esi, 0
mov ecx, arrSize
dec ecx
mov eax, myArray[esi+4]
sub eax, myArray[esi]
mov gapArr[esi], eax
inc esi
loop L1
;Calculate the sum of gaps between array elements
mov sum, 0
mov esi, 0
mov ecx, arrSize
dec ecx
; move gapArr[esi] to a temporary register and then add that register value to sum
mov edx, gapArr[esi]
add sum, edx
inc esi
loop L2
INVOKE ExitProcess,0
main ENDP
END main
Kind of negative social impact has had today is debates on social networking and dating and wireless communications are destroying kids from ages 12-16 these 21st century devices are frying are worlds society.
True I think because it helps right?