This is known as the visible spectrum of electromagnetic radiation, or visible light. This is the frequency of light that we see, and which illuminates our world as it reflects off of objects. Compared to the full spectrum of electromagnetic radiation, the visible light portion is actually quite small.
1. Galaxies seem to be moving away from us which can support Big Bang Theory.
2. The abundance of Helium and Hydrodgen also support the Big Bang theory!
Personlly I do not believe in the big bang theory but if you need more reasons please comment! :-)
Answer 1: The correct answer is the
crust and the upper mantle.
The lithosphere refers to a solid, rocky part of the Earth, that is the Earth's outermost layer. It is comprised of the crust and upper mantle (refer to attached image). The lithosphere is around 100 km deep.
Answer 2: The correct answer is its
The Earth's crust refers to the outermost rocky shell of the Earth where organisms live (refer to second image). The crust is made of solid rocks, including igneous, sedimentary and metamorphic rocks. The Earth's crust is around 30 km deep.
Answer 3: The correct answer is
iron and nickel.<span>
The Earth's core refers to the innermost or central part of the Earth. It lies around 2900 km beneath the Earth's surface and is spherical in shape. The Earth's core is comprised of an alloy (mixture) of the metals iron and zinc.It is made of two layers: the outer core and the inner core. </span></span>
The answer is C.) increased turbidity
b) Human Development Index