Before the Protestant Reformation, the Roman Catholic Church was the ultimate authority regarding all thought and it was considered infallible. When Martin Luther questioned the authority of the church it cast doubts on its infallibility. This paved the way for alternative thinking.
Political Action committees help politicians raise money so they can run for a seat in our federal government. Usually, the more money you have, the more advertising you can buy, and this helps you get elected.
Tonkin Gulf Resolution. I hope that helped ^.^
A(n) Acute Exposure is a short term or brief exposure that may create an immediate health hazard.
The theory of multiple intelligences was first proposed by Howard Gardner in 1983 on his book Frames of Mind: The Theory of Multiple Intelligences. In this book, he broke intelligence down into eight categories. The modalities are:
1) Musical-rhythmic and harmonic
2) Visual-Spatial
3) verbal (linguistic)
4) logical mathematial
5) Kinesthetics
6) interpersonal
7) intrapersonal
8) naturalistic
9) existential
Not to mention in a recent interview Gardner is considering adding on the modality of teaching pedagogical as the last modality.