4 km
There are 1.60934 km in a mile
2.5 m * 1.60934 km = 4 km
Answer: Gender identity
Gender identity is how a person sees themselves their own internal sense and personal experience of gender. Only the individual can determine their own gender identity. Gender indentity refers to the degree to which we see ourselves as feminine, masculine, transsexual or perhaps even nongender and having no gender at all. Gender identity occurs as a result of a combination of inherent and extrinsic or environmental factors; gender role, on the other hand, is manifested within society by observable factors such as behavior and impression
Acute HIV infection is the first phase of HIV infection. The early HIV test can detect HIV during the acute HIV phase. The best test for detecting HIV infection is the early HIV test (also known as NAAT/RNA testing)
I Hope This Helped!
An antibiotic is a type of antimicrobial substance active against bacteria. It is the most important type of antibacterial agent for fighting bacterial infections, and antibiotic medications are widely used in the treatment and prevention of such infections. They may either kill or inhibit the growth of bacteria. Antibiotics DO NOT work on viruses, such as those that cause: Colds and runny noses, even if the mucus is thick, yellow, or green. Most sore throats (except strep throat) Flu.