So if the vice president (president of the Senate) isn’t present, the president pro tempore (senator who’s been there the longest from the majority party) will take over.
Fifth Amendment
Eminent domain refers to the power of the government to take private property and convert it into public use. However the Fifth Amendment to the Constitution prohibits the government from taking a private property without due compensation to the owner
Cuz those foos ride waves
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Summary of Frida Kahlo
Small pins pierce Kahlo's skin to reveal that she still 'hurts' following illness and accident, whilst a signature tear signifies her ongoing battle with the related psychological overflow. Frida Kahlo typically uses the visual symbolism of physical pain in a long-standing attempt to better understand emotional suffering. Prior to Kahlo's efforts, the language of loss, death, and selfhood, had been relatively well investigated by some male artists (including Albrecht Dürer, Francisco Goya, and Edvard Munch), but had not yet been significantly dissected by a woman. Indeed not only did Kahlo enter into an existing language, but she also expanded it and made it her own. By literally exposing interior organs, and depicting her own body in a bleeding and broken state, Kahlo opened up our insides to help explain human behaviors on the outside. She gathered together motifs that would repeat throughout her career, including ribbons, hair, and personal animals, and in turn created a new and articulate means to discuss the most complex aspects of female identity. As not only a 'great artist' but also a figure worthy of our devotion, Kahlo's iconic face provides everlasting trauma support and she has influence that cannot be underestimated.
TV allowed people to reach nationwide audience. Due to economic boom post war, more people were open to new ideas. TV and other innovations that made life easier (like washing machines) were considered 'the good life'. Television dominated American culture during the 1950s, presenting a cookie-cutter, stereotyped image of the happy, prosperous American family. People became more productive due to these electronic developments and it contributed as one of the major reasons for them towards development and sustainability.