Confucianism, Daoism, Legalism, and Mohism all began during the Zhou Dynasty in the 6th century BCE, and had very strong influences on Chinese civilization.
Martin Luther King Jr. believed in peaceful protests. He led many non-violent organizations and protests, such as the March on Washington and the Montgomery Bus Boycott. He wanted everyone to be equal. Malcolm X, the head of the Nation of Islam, on the other hand believed that blacks were a superior being and that they didn't have to listen to what the white man said. He believed that they should show their superiority by any means possible even if that meant violence had to be used.
The question is kinda lacking. Probably, it has choices to make the question answerable.
Each state will be given with the number of electoral votes depended on their population.
The more population that a state has, the more amount of electoral votes that representatives from that state can cast. Currently, Unite States has around 538 electoral votes and it's spread out all across the states.
Let's examine Vermont and California as a comparison.
Vermont only has around 600,000 population. So the state only get 3 electoral votes out of that 538 total. California has around 39.51 million population. This states get 55 electoral votes out of the 538 in total.