exporting trading company
Eks-Plore doesn't actually manufacture any outdoor gear. it provides trading services to companies that manufacture them. Eks-Plore sells goods produced in the US and exports them to foreign markets, e.g. European and Asian nations. This is a type of intermediary that is also responsible for located new potential markets where to sell the goods.
A good decision is one that is made deliberately and thoughtfully, considers and includes all relevant factors, is consistent with the individual’s philosophy and values, and can be explained clearly to significant others.
Ways to make good decision:
- Set Aside Time to Reflect on Your Mistakes
- Stop Thinking About the Problem
- Frame Your Problems In a Different Way
- Identify the Risks You Take
- Take Note of Your Overconfidence
- Talk to Yourself Like a Trusted Friend
- Label Your Emotions
- Acknowledge Your Shortcuts
- Consider the Opposite
D) cause the quantity demanded to exceed the quantity supplied of rental housing.
A price ceiling is a binding government regulation in which it puts a cap on the price landlords can charge tenants to rent their properties. If this happens, there could be a rapid significant increase in the demand of apartments. This would lead to excess demand that the existing supply cannot meet , creating a shortage. The property owners may also choose to not rent their apartment at that lower price driving the supply even lower.
Data provided in the question:
function that models the rise in the cost of a product

C = $285,700
t = 14 years
r = 1.5% = 0.015
On substituting the respective values in the given function, we get
inflation-adjusted cost in 14 years i.e C(14) = $285,700(1 + 0.015)¹⁴
C(14) = $285,700 × 1.2317
C(14) = $351,912.61