The active functional group of a drug is that one that has the most prominent quality of adherence to the corresponding group on the target site and this selective binding of the group gave the property of targeted therapy and action. The pharmacophore modelling is done to ensure the design success of a drug but real life circumstances are mostly unpredictable. By this specific targeted action a drug acquires the property of differentiating between healthy and infected cells. Infected cells always have something different in their functional group expression as compare the the healthy cells. This helps the drug to differentiate between them.
– Natural exposure to infectious agent stimulates your own B cells to produce antigen-specific antibodies – Artificial immunization (vaccination) with key antigens or epitopes from an infectious agent does the same thing – Active immunization results in immunologic memory (more vigorous response next time)
Adults with presbycusis may have difficulty in discriminating fricatives because they have fewer functional nerve cells in the inner ear, which makes the inner ear work harder to process and transmit sound when background noise is present.
This indicates that the inner ear and brain are not effectively communicating with one another.
Presbycusis is the gradual hearing loss that most people experience as they age.
An age-related disorder that is common is hearing loss.
A hearing loss affects 30-35 percent of persons over 65. A hearing loss affects 40–50% of adults aged 75 and older, according to estimates.
Its primary symptom is trouble discriminating fricatives from background noise as the inner ear has to work harder to process and transmit sound when background noise is present because they have less functioning nerve cells.
Learn more about Presbycusis here
The answer is B: left and right main bronchi.
The air enters the lungs through the nose and mouth, initially passing through the pharynx, from there the air passes through the epiglottis to reach the larynx (where the vocal cords meet); then continue to the trachea, which is divided into 2 tubes in its lower part, called right and left bronchial (primary bronchi). It ends up in even smaller tubes called bronchioles, as thin as a hair and finally ending, in the alveoli, where the gas exchange occurs.