Energy moves from one trophic level to another as organisms feed on one another.
Energy flows from one trophic level to another in a food chain. according to the ten percent law, only ten percent of the total energy passes onto the next trophic level. While studying the energy flow model two aspects should be taken under consideration. Firstly, the flow of energy is unidirectional and passes on from autotrophs to primary consumer and then secontary, tertiary so on. Secondly the amount of energy decreases at succesive trophic level.
Sheep and goats are important livestock species in developing countries. Of the world's 1,614million sheep and 475 million goats, 65% and 95%, respectively, are located in developing countries. Fifty-three percent of the total small-ruminant population in the developing countries is found in Asia, particularly in India and Pakistan, 33% in Africa, and 14% in Latin America (FAO, 1984).
Goats are hardy and well-adapted to harsh climates. Due to their grazing habits and physiological characteristics, they are able to browse on plants that would normally not be eaten by other livestock species. Thus, the presence of goats in mixed species grazing systems can lead to a more efficient use of the natural resource base and add flexibility to the management of livestock. This last characteristic is especially desirable in fragile environments.
Sheep and goats contribute to a broad range of production systems. The most common system throughout the developing countries involve either the extensive system with large herds and/or flocks grazing on arid and semi-arid rangelands or the intensive system with smaller herds and/or flocks kept in confinement, mostly in the humid tropics.
Answer: The subphases of interphase (in order) are G1, S and G2.
The best way to avoid measurement error in an experiment is being shown in the option C. instrument precision which means that a tool is controlled very carefully in order to get the most accurate result, and the answer for your question is D. misreading the instrument as it is an opposite of what I have just said.