B. 1730 PST
First it is important to know that the flight lasted for 2 hours and 15 minutes, hence the first thing to do in this case is to add the duration of flight to the time of departure.
Time of departure = 1615 MST
Flight duration = 2:15
Hence we get 18:30 MST
Then we convert MST to PST by subtracting 1
1830 -1.00 = 1730 PST
float time_hourly=(time_min/60);
float speed_mph=(distance_mil/time_hourly);
I have taken a float variable time_hourly to convert the time given in minutes in hours.We need to divide the time in minutes by sixty since there are 60 minutes in an hour.
I have taken a float variable speed_mph to calculate the speed.Since we know the speed is distance/time and provided the distance is in miles and the time is in hours.
The rising of shied hero, last hope, and dragon pilot.
See the program code below.
def cube_SA(edge):
edge = int(input("Enter the cube's edge: "))
sa = edge * edge * 6
print("The surface area is {} square units".format(sa))
Best Regards!