The term "savanna" is often used to refer to open grassland with some tree cover, while "grassland" refers to a grassy ecosystem with little or no tree cover.
The correct answer that would best complete the given statement above would be the word VIRUSES. Here is the complete statement. Viruses can only grow and multiply within the cells of another living thing, but they can remain active on a surface for several hours or days.
You have to restart your computer or maybe use another internet browser to access the website your trying to reach
A good employee, everything u named is a good example of a good employee
The advantage of returning a structure type from a function when compared to returning a fundamental type is that
e. a and b only.
One advantage of returning a structure type from a function vis-a-vis returning a fundamental type is that the function can return multiple values. The second advantage is that the function can return can an object. This implies that a function in a structure type can be passed from one function to another.