I challenged the Soviet union to tear down the Berlin wall. I also maintained a hard line against communism. --- Ronald Reagan
I made the decision to drop the atomic bomb, but I also became known for the Marshall plan and docutrune of containment.--- Truman
I pulled missiles out of Cuba during the Cuban Missile Crisis and I prevented the Cold War from escalating into a nuclear war--- I'm pretty sure this Khrushchev
Communist Bloc- Stalin
I was good friends with the leaders of the Soviet Union and the United States and helped end the Cold War by bringing them together --- Thatcher
my policies were designed to give more personal and economic freedom to people in the Soviet Union I had good relations with many leaders in the Western Bloc --- Gorbachev
my Administration created the idea of brinkmanship going to the brink of nuclear war to achieve our aims --- Ike. aka Eisenhower
Socialism is the answer and is close to communism, but not quite. US Senator Bernie Sanders and new congresswoman AOC claim to be socialist, but not nearly to the extreme as Republicans label them as. They want a fair wage and a fair share of the profits workers help to create.
Mussolini was able to take over Italy because Italy’s government was unwilling to risk a battle with protesters in Rome.I thought it was military, but if you're getting it wrong with that choice, then it must be government.
By using less polluting farming methods
Local farms don’t have to transport far// transportation causes pollution
If i am correct the answer should be A. commemorate rulers and other important individuals