1. Skin Creams
An independent variable is the only variable that is changed while the rest is kept the same. In this setup, the doctor is using different creams on the same patient with the same skin condition so the independent variable is the skin cream and not the skin condition.
A warm front is moving towards South Carolina bringing rainy conditions
From this weather map, we can see that South Carolina will soon be under the influence of a warm front. The warm front is moving towards this state, and it is coming from southeastern direction, thus it has been formed over warm waters. Because it has been formed over warm waters, this front is warm and very moist which will result in lot of rainfall once it comes upon a natural barrier to cause condensation, and the Appalachian Mountains will do just that, thus South Carolina will receive a lot of rainfall.
Answer: The fossil is 11459 years old.
Half-life of carbon-14 = 5700 years
First we have to calculate the rate constant, we use the formula :
Now we have to calculate the age of the sample:
Expression for rate law for first order kinetics is given by:
k = rate constant =

The fossil is 11459 years old.
Enzymes are the bio-catalyst that serve to accelerate the metabolic reactions occurring in a living cell. All the metabolic reactions of organisms are catalyzed by enzymes. Each metabolic reaction is catalyzed by specific enzyme. Absence of that particular enzyme leads to absence of the respective product. Since genes code for protein which regulate the specific trait, absence of enzyme does not allow the expression of that trait.
Example: Absence of enzymes for chlorophyll synthesis would lead to absence of chlorophyll from leaves of the green plants.
<span>Evaporation of warm surface water increases the amount of moisture in the colder, drier air flowing immediately above the lake surface. With continued evaporation, water vapor in the cold air condenses to form ice-crystal clouds, which are transported toward shore.</span>
By the time these clouds reach the shoreline, they are filled with snowflakes too large to remain suspended in the air and consequently, they fall along the shoreline as precipitation. The intensity of lake effect snowfall can be enhanced by additional lifting due to the topographical features (hills) along the shoreline. Once the snow begins to melt, the water is either absorbed by the ground and becomes groundwater, or goes returns back to the lake as runoff.
Lake effect snow events can produce tremendous amounts of snow. One such event was the Cleveland, Ohio Veteran's Day Snowstorm from November of 1996, where local storm snowfall totals exceeded 50 inches over two to three days.
<span>A Summary of the Hydrologic Cyclebringing all the pieces together<span>
<span>Animation by: Bramer</span></span>The hydrologic cycle begins with the evaporation of water from the surface of the ocean. As moist air is lifted, it cools and water vapor condenses to form clouds. Moisture is transportedaround the globe until it returns to the surface as precipitation. Once the water reaches the ground, one of two processes may occur; 1) some of the water may evaporate back into the atmosphere or 2) the water may penetrate the surface and become groundwater. Groundwater either seeps its way to into the oceans, rivers, and streams, or is released back into the atmosphere through transpiration. The balance of water that remains on the earth's surface is runoff, which empties into lakes, rivers and streams and is carried back to the oceans, where the cycle begins again.Lake effect snowfall is good example of the hydrologic cycle at work. Below is a vertical cross-section summarizing the processes of the hydrologic cycle that contribute to the production of lake effect snow. The cycle begins as cold winds (horizontal blue arrows) blow across a large lake, a phenomena that occurs frequently in the late fall and winter months around the Great Lakes.</span>