Microsoft is a website that teaches java and phyton
Search engines. (I'm Misty btw if you want to know)
#This is a way without a loop
friends = list(map(str,input("Enter Names: ").split()))
#This is a way with a loop (for&&while)
friends = list(map(str,input("Enter Names: ").split()))
cool = True
while cool:
cool = False
for i in range(len(friends)-1):
if friends[i] > friends[i+1]:
coo = friends[i]
friends[i] = friends[i+1]
friends[i+1] = coo
cool = True
Formal; A formal information system is based on
the organization represented by the organization chart.
Informal; The informal information system is
employee based system designed
to meet personal and vocational needs
and to help in solution of work-related problems.