Because the earth rotates on its axis and when it rotates the other side gets sunlight, so night for you might be daytime for someone else.
A-the selling of indulgences within the Catholic Church
The DRC is bordered by 9 countries: Angola, Burundi, the Central African Republic, the Republic of Congo, Rwanda, South Sudan, Tanzania, Uganda, and Zambia
1. Greater equality - redistribute income and wealth to improve equality of opportunity and equality of outcome.
2. Overcome market failure - markets fail to take into account externalities and are likely to under-produce public/merit goods.
3. Macroeconomic intervention - intervention to overcome prolonged recessions and reduce unemployment.
4. Disaster relief - only government can solve major health crisis such as pandemics.
I’m not entirely sure what is being asked here, but the Tigris and Euphrates rivers is the only place in Egypt (besides the nile delta) with non-arid ground. That’s why most people live around there: