Corn Wallis was a officer for the British army and Gerorge lll was a king in The United Kindom, They was both gernals for the Revolutionary war
The last time Ireland got hit was on September 17, 1963 by hurricane Debbie.
Dubai is the most diverse city in the Middle East with 150 nationalities.
Dubai is one of the most diverse cities in the Middle East, with more than 150 nationalities and various expressions of culture. Any emirate in the UAE can be fairly called multinational, but in Dubai this is especially pronounced. Since 1984, Dubai has been the main trading center of the Persian Gulf, and from that moment a lot of foreigners live here.
The industrial revolution made the world a positive some world meaning that was more resources to go around. But most of the resources were produced by the top 1% meaning that the richer got richer and the poor get poor.