Slurry is a liquid concrete or cement
Impoundments are enclosures of water
The visible DNA fingerprint can help extract DNA which, after analysis, can accurately identify the suspect or perpetrator of the crime.
DNA Fingerprinting:
- DNA fingerprinting is a molecular analysis tool that can help identify a suspect in a crime through DNA extracted from fingerprints.
- Specific patterns in the DNA, known as polymorphisms, can be identified through DNA fingerprinting.
- The DNA fingerprinting process involves:
- Extraction and purification of the DNA from the fingerprint.
- PCR amplification to obtain high yield.
- Fragmentation of the DNA by use of restriction enzymes.
- Gel electrophoresis analysis of the fragmented DNA.
- Analysis of gel to compare the size of the bands.
Surface tension depends mainly upon the forces of attraction between the particles within the given liquid and also upon the gas, solid, or liquid in contact with it. The molecules in a drop of water, for example, attract each other weakly.
a glass of water is sitting on a table put a paper clip in it. it stays floating on the top.
Water striders can walk on water because of the surface tension of water.
Answer:no it’s not a brain cell it’s part of the reproductive system I think