⇒x²y³=x*x*y*y*y=x*y*x*y*y=y*x*y*x*y--Writing factors in another way
⇒xy²z²=x*y*y*z*z=y*x*z*y*z=z*x*y*x*y*z---Writing factors in another way.
Here ,we have used law of indices first, then used Commutativity , Associativity and Distributivity to factor Polynomial.

⇒Distributive Property of Multiplication with respect to addition and Subtraction
→ a×(b-c)=a×b-a×c
⇒Yes, A polynomial can be factor of another polynomial.
For Example:
⇒ x²-a², has two factors equal to , (x+a) and (x-a), where , x²-a², is a quadratic polynomial and two of it's factors are ,(x+a) and (x-a) which is also a polynomial of degree 1.