This statement is false. The loan period does get to affect the total cost of the loan. Loans tend to have an annual percentage rate applied to it when you had it. It is a term used to refer the interest rate of the loan you had acquired.
A) True
The Homestead strike was a combination of both a company lockout (the company didn't allow workers to work) and a union strike (where the workers did't want to work). It was a power struggle between one of the darkest and sinister monopolists of the 19th century, Carnegie Steel (led by Andrew Carnegie) and the most powerful workers' union in America, the Amalgamated Association of Iron and Steel Workers.
In 1889 the union won, but Carnegie wanted revenge, so in 1892, he demanded harsher conditions after the initial contract was over and when the union said no, a lockout started. It was bloody and messy, with 16 dead. Carnegie's private army of 300 guards faced 10,000 strikers and things turned ugly soon. The Pinkertons (Carnegie's troops) were "defeated" but too many lives were lost.
Since Carnegie's little was defeated, he asked a bigger fish to help him and the governor sent 8,000 soldiers to arrest any union striker that opposed Carnegie. Finally, Carnegie's millions and corrupt politicians won, and the workers were forced to accept lower wages and more working hours. Those who rejected the forced deal were sent to prison.
C. Scenario Analysis
Scenario Analysis is analysis of computing the Net Present Value by changing various variables, that is change in values of Sales, Variable Cost, Revenue, Cost of project and various other things. Basically it measures the Net Present Value with respect to various factors associated with calculating the net present value, as Jamie is calculating Net Present Value with different factors, that is in different scenarios, it is called Scenario Analysis.
<span>In a situation in which Uma </span><span>and Edward are partners on a project, but they have never worked together and Uma </span>texts Edward, "Are you available to meet at four this afternoon?" Edward replies, "yep. cu then." Uma should gently remind Edward to be more formal and better to use e-mails than texting.
$ 25
As per the description, the exact amount that is being contributed from the corn bushel to the Gross Domestic Product would be $ 25. The price at which the farmer sold it to the supermarket would not be included in the GDP because it would be considered as an intermediary good because the good purchased for the resale purpose is not included in GDP as it leads to double-counting. Thus, <u>only the price of the final good i.e. $ 25 would be included in GDP as it will now be used for final consumption by the customers</u>.