Lack of respect was what made the British lost. They were overconfident and though this was just a violent mob, well inexperienced mob. British underestimated them and General William Howe wanted to show them who the boss was in The Bunker Hill battle.
A rate allows us to compare two numbers or measurements and give them a value. This helps us in real life to make everyday activities simpler. For example: you have to take a photocopy as quickly as possible and you have two photocopiers. The first draws 10 copies per minute and the second only 5 copies per minute. Using the rates you can know that the first option in better because you will have the double of copies in the same time. Another example is a place where you get 2 pizzas for $10 and another where you get 1 for $8. The rates help you to know that in the first place they give you 1 pizza for $5 (10÷2=5) so it is a cheaper option.
As soon as Benjamin Franklin leanred about the Stamp Act, and how badly it was affecting the colonists. He testified against the act which eventually repealed the Stamp Act as a whole.
1. Some event in the past may lack sources that tell what really happened without contradicting it.
2. There is total truth about most events that have happened in the past.
3. An interpretation based on facts and evidence becomes more credible than another.
It is important that we know what happened in the past to encourage behaviors that worked and not repeat the same mistakes that citizens have made in the past. In short, the success of the future depends on a full understanding of events that occurred in the past and were able to influence how we live today.
For this reason, it is important that major events are fully and fully documented. These documents will serve to show the citizens of the future what happened and what were its consequences, without addressing contradictions, but addressing facts and evidence. Without these documents, the study of the past becomes very difficult.
It is important to remember that these documents show facts that show the history as it was, as an absolute truth, leaving no scope for incorrect interpretations. An example of this can be seen today in Brazil. Brazil underwent a strong military dictatorship in its past and although there are many documents that prove all the violence and absurdities of that time, many people say that this moment may have been positive, depending on the way that each interprets it.
The Americans were huge areas of fertile land, and the European powers needed people to work on its fields. African slaves were a cheap and abundant solution.