tell all of your friends that i'm crazy, and drive you mad, that i'm such a stalker, a watcher, a psychopath. You maniac! * instrumental * You maniac! * more instrumental*
Lol Maniac by Conan Gray
Thank you and have an amazing day!
<span>Practice breathing into your diaphragm. To breathe intoyour diaphragm, breathe in as deeply as you can and push your stomach out as far as possible while doing so, keeping the rest of your body as still as possible. Now exhale, and pull your stomach back in. Make sureyour shoulders don't move.</span>
I would say the best answer for this question could be the Classical Period.
٢- اختبأ القرد داخل الصندوق المفتوح
٣- توجه الشرطي نحو اللص الهارب
٤- جلس الراعي بين الاغنام الواقفة
٥- قفز القط وسط الفئران الخائفة
You add the verb and the subject to complete the sentence as I answered.
organum, i'm almost 100% sure
(lemme know if it's right, i have the same question)