De acuerdo a la Organización Mundial de la Salud (OMS) el término enfermedad refiere a la alteración y/o deterioro del estado fisiológico normal de un individuo o partes de su cuerpo, cuyas causas a menudo son conocidas. A su vez, una enfermedad es conocida cuando possee un cuadro clínico con síntomas preestablecidos y característicos. Las enfermedades se pueden clasificar de acuerdo a muchos tipos diferentes de parámetros (por ejemplo, de acuerdo a su modo de transmisión en infecciosas/no infecciosas, hededitarias/ambientales, etc). Por otra parte, el concepto de salud se refiere a un estado de bienestar físico, mental y social del individuo, el cual no solamente está asociado a la ausencia de enfermedades.
The cell theory was constructed by <span>Schleiden and Schwann.
>Matthias Jakob Schleiden<span> was a German </span>botanist<span> and co-founder of the </span>cell theory, along with Theodor Schwann<span> and </span>Rudolf Virchow (not really credited towards it, he is a contributor to the said theory.
>Robert Hook---largely attributed the cell theory;started the study of cells known as the cell biology.
>Carolus Linnaeus---<span>a Swedish </span>botanist<span>, physician, and </span>zoologist<span>, who formalized the modern system of naming organisms called </span>binomial nomenclature<span>.</span>
are there supposed to be options?
A vocation characterized by a specialized body of knowledge of medicine that its members must teach and expand, by a code of ethics and a duty of service that put patient care above self-interest, and by the privilege of self-regulation granted by society.Occupational medicine (also known as “occupational health”) is focused on the treatment of work-related injuries and illnesses. Physicians trained in occupational medicine diagnose and treat work-related injuries much more effectively than most primary care physicians.