D. On hills, the car went very slowly, other times, it could really move
A- doesn't really make sense molasses and honey is mainly known for being sweet not slow
B - it doesn't have the same effect
C- the original sentence didn't mention anything abt climbing
D- This one keeps the same meaning of the sentence while making it sound more lively
He had an intense interest in the 'supernatural' elements of Macbeth, particularly witches and their prophecy. In fact, king James I wrote a book about the supernatural, so that is why he was particularly interested in that part.
Word indicates a possible misspelled word with a red wavy line that appears beneath it, so option B) is the correct one.
As regards option D) the bold green line that appears beneath the word is to show an incorrect grammar structure such as no subject- verb agreement.
Options A) and B) do not apply for misspelled words. A beep sound applies after a grammar and spelling check for example. Also, the spelling dictionary does not pop up automatically as it is available when doing the grammar and spelling check.
Life in an imagined cottage at Innisfree is peaceful, idyllic, happy. Bees and crickets buzz and sing, there are various colors and nuances of life. On the other hand, the speaker's current life is dreary and grey, which we suspect even from the beginning, but the speaker confirms it explicitly in the last two lines. He dreams of a different life while he is stuck in the colorless, grim reality of the urban environment where he lives.