Breads such as bagels and pretzels are made by boiling them first because boiling sets the crust before it is placed in the oven. The starch on the exterior quickly gels and forms a barrier. This keeps the water from penetrating very far into the bread. Bagels are usually boiled for 30 to 60 seconds per side.
A. Record journal entries
I think the correct answer would be crowdsourcing. It is a practice that involves obtaining certain information from the market or the public. It allows the consumers to suggest and comment on the products a company has. Hope this answers the question.
B. Imposed Non Exchange Transactions
A non exchange transaction is a form of transaction whereby a party or a group or an individual receives something of value without directly giving value back in exchange. In non exchange transactions, a party gives value to another without directly receiving approximate value in exchanges. Grants, taxes, special assessments, fines and so on are all parts of non exchange transactions. However, taxes and fines are imposed non exchange transactions because they are assessed and not derived from transactions.