was thought by Andrew Jackson to represent the advancement of the few at the expense of the many.
The Second Bank of the United States established and chartered by the US Congress in 1816 after the charter of the First Bank of the United States had expired. It was located in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA and saddled with the same responsibility and federally authorized as the First Bank of the United States of America.
On the 10th of September, 1833, President Andrew Jackson announced officially that the federal government would no longer use or require the services of the Second Bank of the United States of America and as such failed to secure a recharter. President Andrew Jackson thought in his wisdom that the Second Bank of the United States represents an advancement of a small percentage of the population at the expense of a larger percentage.
Consequently, this failure made the bank to become a private corporation and was liquidated in 1836 and 1841 respectively.
During the second world war, the US government took strong measures to convert the economy to meet the demands of war. President Roosevelt established an organizations like:
1.) War Production Board whose task was to convert industries from peace time works to war needs, allocate scarce material, establish priorities in the distribution of materials and services.
2.) Office of Civilian defense was also established and were tasked to coordinate state and federal measure for the protection of civilians in times of war.
3.) Civil Air Patrol (CAP) was also created for search and rescue missions.
4.) Civil Defense Corps which organized millions of volunteers to fight fires , decontaminate following chemical weapon attacks, and provide first aid.
Civilizations connected through trade first via trading tools with other nearby communities then it evolved into trading more goods such as foods crops and weapons. Then with boats this allowed technology and customs to travel for example Egyptian sculptures influencing Greek art work and the silk road. This helped humanity since a example of isolation was japan until the Miji Restoration. Humanity needs trade in order to communicate and get things they cannot make in their region of the world.