B) People in the United States have the freedom to worship any religion.
The First Amendment to the United States Constitution state this:
"<u>Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or</u> <u>prohibiting the free exercise thereof</u>; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances."
thoughts of harming a neighbor
A compulsion occurs when you have an inappropriate thought that makes you uncomfortable. Though, it is just a thought, it causes stress to those that have these thoughts.
The two types of drama the Greeks preformed at religious festivals was comedies and tragedies.
The "allegory of the cave" is the theory that was put foward by plato, concerning with human perception. he claim that when human gained knowledge through their senses is based on opinions while if human want to gain real knowledge they should do it trough philosophical reasoning.
Based on this information, the researcher can conclude that Ryan <u>"has just entered Stage 2 sleep".</u>
Stage 2 sleep, which for the most part keeps going around 20 minutes, is described by an abating pulse and a reduction in body temperature. Your body lessens its action to set you up to go into a profound rest.
It winds up harder to wake you up.
Your brain begins to produce bigger waves.
Your circulatory strain likewise diminishes, and other metabolic capacities back off as well.