Divine right should be the answer
ethnic conflict is a conflict between two or more ethnic groups.The source of the conflict could be political, social, economic or religious. Individuals involved fight for their ethnic group's position within society.
power struggle : "a situation in which two or more people or groups compete for control in a particular sphere."
genocide : "the deliberate killing of a large number of people from a particular nation or ethnic group with the aim of destroying that nation or group"
terrorism : "the unlawful use of violence and intimidation, especially against civilians, in the pursuit of political aims."
They believed in moral education so that kids know what their duties are in society like the pledge of allegiance
The kings time rulibg consisted of the king ignoring America and their prosperity
In the Biblical sense there is a difference, although I have seen heated debates on this question even among Christians. Most ancient languages have two words for these "entities". In the Hungarian Bible translations usually the same word is used for both as in the time of the first Hungarian Bible translation there was no Hungarian word for "spirit" - it was created on in the 18th century. This caused a lot of confusion. In Greek you have psyche and pneuma, in Hebrew you have nefesh and ruach - you can find a lot of discussion on the difference. Here I put very briefly my rudimentary idea about this. I do not believe that there are three substances: matter soul and spirit. My impression is that the soul is a kind of "interface" between spirit and matter (at least in a certain sense). Theologians will explain it more precisely. Nevertheless soul is the center of the conscious self where decisions are made (soul = life in the New Testament). There are several other aspects which I would comment - but I am not sure whether your question is intended in this direction.