it's best if you don't beat around the bush and tell everyone the truth
8 years?
If you are asking whether or not you have known kate for 8 years, then... yes?
i met kate eigth years ago and we are still good friend . have I.....................................eight years
not sure what this really long elipsis is
- <u>Many of them are following the sequence</u> that they have. This is a normal question for, usually, the fourth grade and its purpose is to awake the imagination in children and in that way teacher can see what is the knowledge of the children in the class and what is their point of view, can they describe their imagination in a proper way.
There is no wrong answer to this question and that is why this is one of the most interesting questions in the school. Teachers should always follow the sequence when it comes to this kind of question.
Yes, Gatsby really loves Daisy. He loved her so much that he pretended to be rich, just so she would look his way. When he went to war, he kept all her letters and memories sealed safely in a book. When he found out she was marrying Tom, he sent her a letter with the truth that he was in fact poor, and he let her go because he believed she would have a much better life.