Water puts out fire by creating a barrier between the fuel source and the oxygen source (it also has a cooling effect which has to do with the energy required to convert liquid water into water vapor). It does this because it is a completely, 100% oxidized material. It simply cannot oxidize any further so it will not “burn”. This smothers the fire. The same thing would happen if you used the ashes that remained after a completely spent fire. Or, as I mentioned before, CO2.
Interaction between two species as both attempt to use the same environmental resources is
-clears throat and prepares to sing- our whole universe was in a hot dense steep and nearly 14 billion years ago expansion started..........
Gross motor - controlling the head, sitting, crawling, maybe even starting to walk. Fine motor - holding a spoon, picking up a piece of cereal between thumb and finger. Sensory - seeing, hearing, tasting, touching and smelling. Language - starting to make sounds, learning some words, understanding what people say.