Question 1 (Fill-In-The-Blank Worth 1 points) Fill in the blank with the correct form of the verb in the Passé Composé, you may
copy and paste the accented characters from this list if needed: Àà Ââ Ää Çç Éé Èè Êê Ëë Îî Ïï Ôô Œœ Ùù Ûû Üü: Nous ____________ dans la Manche, l’eau est froide. (nager) Answer for Blank 1: Question 2 (Fill-In-The-Blank Worth 1 points) Fill in the blank with the correct form of the verb in the Passé Composé, you may copy and paste the accented characters from this list if needed: Àà Ââ Ää Çç Éé Èè Êê Ëë Îî Ïï Ôô Œœ Ùù Ûû Üü: Elles ______________ de la planche à voile tout le weekend. (faire) Answer for Blank 1: Question 3 (Fill-In-The-Blank Worth 1 points) Fill in the blank with the correct form of the verb in the Passé Composé, you may copy and paste the accented characters from this list if needed: Àà Ââ Ää Çç Éé Èè Êê Ëë Îî Ïï Ôô Œœ Ùù Ûû Üü: Qui __________ en classe d’anglais ? (lire) Answer for Blank 1: Question 4 (Fill-In-The-Blank Worth 1 points) Fill in the blank with the correct form of the verb in the Passé Composé, you may copy and paste the accented characters from this list if needed: Àà Ââ Ää Çç Éé Èè Êê Ëë Îî Ïï Ôô Œœ Ùù Ûû Üü: Vous _______ un comprimé pour le mal de tête ? (prendre) Answer for Blank 1: Question 5 (Fill-In-The-Blank Worth 1 points) Fill in the blank with the correct form of the verb in the Passé Composé, you may copy and paste the accented characters from this list if needed: Àà Ââ Ää Çç Éé Èè Êê Ëë Îî Ïï Ôô Œœ Ùù Ûû Üü: Tu _______ un bon film hier ? (voir) Answer for Blank 1: Question 6 (Fill-In-The-Blank Worth 1 points) Fill in the blank with the correct form of the verb in the Passé Composé, you may copy and paste the accented characters from this list if needed: Àà Ââ Ää Çç Éé Èè Êê Ëë Îî Ïï Ôô Œœ Ùù Ûû Üü: Il ___________ au message de sa copine. (répondre) Answer for Blank 1: Question 7 (Fill-In-The-Blank Worth 1 points) Fill in the blank with the correct form of the verb in the Passé Composé, you may copy and paste the accented characters from this list if needed: Àà Ââ Ää Çç Éé Èè Êê Ëë Îî Ïï Ôô Œœ Ùù Ûû Üü: Elle ____________ la vérité à sa mère.(dire) Answer for Blank 1: Question 8 (Fill-In-The-Blank Worth 1 points) Fill in the blank with the correct form of the verb in the Passé Composé, you may copy and paste the accented characters from this list if needed: Àà Ââ Ää Çç Éé Èè Êê Ëë Îî Ïï Ôô Œœ Ùù Ûû Üü: Les filles _________ pendant toute la fête. (danser) Answer for Blank 1: Question 9 (Fill-In-The-Blank Worth 1 points) Fill in the blank with the correct form of the verb in the Passé Composé, you may copy and paste the accented characters from this list if needed: Àà Ââ Ää Çç Éé Èè Êê Ëë Îî Ïï Ôô Œœ Ùù Ûû Üü: Qu’est-ce-que tu ____________ pour l’anniversaire de ta tante?(mettre) Answer for Blank 1: Question 10 (Fill-In-The-Blank Worth 1 points) Fill in the blank with the correct form of the verb in the Passé Composé, you may copy and paste the accented characters from this list if needed: Àà Ââ Ää Çç Éé Èè Êê Ëë Îî Ïï Ôô Œœ Ùù Ûû Üü: Elle ___________ un A en math ! (avoir) Answer for Blank 1:
<span>65. Decide if the following sentence is grammatically CORRECT or INCORRECT. Je ne jamais vais au cinéma. Correct Incorrect* 71.Fill in the blank with the correct form of faire. Je ___ de la natation tous les étés. fais (je fais) fait (il fait) faie fairs 73.Fill in the blank with the correct form of lequel. J'ai perdu (I lost) mon livre. Oh zut! _________? Laquelle Lequel* Lesquelles