Schlieffen plan.
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Seminoles were a threat to Georgia because (C): They sheltered runaway slaves and would not return them.
The term Seminole was the name of a tribe of Native America which was formed by the people who had settled in Florida in the 18th century, especially in Georgia and Alabama. The Seminoles formed their own identity and traditions such as the use of ritual beverages and tobacco and therefore became independent from other groups.
During the 17th century, many black slaves started escaping from Georgia to Spanish Florida looking for liberty, which was given to them in exchange of protecting the town. As the Seminoles started to welcome all escaped African slaves, and even accepted the intermarriage with the former ones, their group started expanding until they eventually come to be known widely as the Gullah people.
Several countries including Georgia, showed their irritation of the situation and caused the US army to invade the Seminoles territory in order to recapture the escaped slaves.
As Jefferson was the third President and the Federal Court system was designed to have life-time appointments, many of the original holders of Federal judicial posts were held by Federalist appointees who had not yet died in office or resigned.
So, Jefferson found himself waiting for turnover on the bench without much success.
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Answer: It sharply decreased and suffered heavy losses.
Tobacco, like most industries in America, saw its prices plummet and farmers take heavy losses. Before the Depression, farmers had tried to capitalize on the prosperity of the 20s by producing a lot of tobacco. So much so that they overproduced and tobacco prices fell before the Depression.
When the Depression then came, they fell even harder. Tobacco was traded was 86 cents a pound in 1919 was trading for 9 cents in 1931. Sometimes farmers did not even make enough to justify the cost of production. This went on till some government policies enacted by Roosevelt with the New Deal.