I can’t read it, it’s a little blurry
The constitutional convention's original purpose was to fix the Articles of Confederation. However, they ended up changing that plan and scrapping the Articles as a whole. Then, they decided to create an all new U.S. Constitution.
The Four Noble Truths were first spoken of in the Buddha's deer park sermon. They are the foundation of all Buddhist teachings.
1. All life involves suffering (dukkha)
2. The cause of suffering (dukkha) is craving (tanha)
3. The way to overcome dukkha is to overcome tanha
4. The way to overcome tanha is the Middle Way (magga- path)
En 1679, un grupo de colonos ingleses bajo la dirección de Mahlon Stacy formó una colonia a lo largo del río Delaware en la colonia británica joven de Nueva Jersey. El pueblo adquirió el nombre de "Trent-towne" o "Trenton" en 1719 para honrar a uno de sus líderes locales prominentes, William Trent.