Transcript of 1920's v 1950'sCurious as to how the 1920's and
1950's compare in America? Let's take a look and see. First let's start with the commonalities They both started after the end of World Wars The 1920's began after WWI The 1950's began after WWII They were both decades of Economic
Prosperity for the wealthy and Upper
Middle Class Consumer Goods Increased Exponentially Higher Wages Than Ever Before and Less Hours Media Focus on
Advertisements and Entertainment Suburban Shopping Centers Films and Sports flourish Teenage
Rebellions Urban and Suburban Life
English investors received a land grant from King James I. It created an incentive system where you gave money and you were promised land (with the royal seal, figuratively).
If you're familiar with the joint-stock company, these were the first examples of today's' corporations.
I think its spurius carvilius