Directions: Your CAP File is a note-taking tool to use as you read your lesson pages in the course. These important notes will help you complete your lesson assessment, as well as prepare you for your Discussion-Based Assessment, unit exam, and segment exam. You do not need to submit your CAP File for grading. Instead you will read the directions on your “What Do I Have to Do?” page to learn what you will need to submit for grading.
Part 1
Answer the following questions:
What is the Bill of Rights? Why is it important?
How does the Supreme Court affect rights?
How does the Constitution provide both safeguards and limits to rights?
Part 2
Use the following chart to make notes from the lesson. One example appears for you:
Amendment Rights in This Amendment Real-Life Example from Lesson My Own Example
1 Freedoms of speech, press, assembly, petition, and religion Mary Beth and John Tinker with their peace armbands in school Writing a letter to a newspaper about a government decision or policy I do not agree with
Part 3
In the chart above, circle a right in the second column that you believe is the most important right for Americans. In the space below, explain why you think this right is most important. What protects this right and how? What limits this right and how?
You may use the Bill of Rights Reference to help write your response.
The answer is c, because the men know that if Curley has found Lennie, they would of tortured him and killed him brutally, and so George wanted to shot him out of mercy
The correct one would be the 3rd answer
It's the only one different from the others and when quoting a poem you should put quotation marks around the title unless it a non-length epic poem which you would italicize or underline it.
Unable to cross the Teklanika River, Christopher McCandless heads back to the bus. He hunts. He also underlines several key passages in Boris Pasternak’s Doctor Zhivago that address the prospect of living a modest life of service to others. He leaves an enthusiastic note beside a passage saying that happiness is only real when shared with other people. Krakauer interprets this to mean that he may have had an epiphany because of his journey. McCandless’s diary also suggests that he was planning to go back to society. In his diary, McCandless left a note that he had been sickened by wild potato or Hedysarum alpinum seeds. But this leads Krakauer to more questions. H. alpinum seeds contain a toxin when they begin to sprout, but why would McCandless have eaten so many sprouted seeds? McCandless could have confused wild potato with wild sweet pea, a similar-looking species.