answer it yourself or ask your teacker
ofstream asia("asiasales2009.txt"); //It is used to open asiasales2009.txt files with the asia objects.
ofstream europe("europesales2009.txt"); //It is used to open europesales2009.txt files with the europe objects.
ofstream africa("africasales2009.txt");
//It is used to open africasales2009.txt files with the africa objects.
ofstream latin("latinamericasales2009.txt");//It is used to open latinamericasales2009.txt files with the latin objects.
- The above code is written in the c++ language which is used to open the specified files with the specified objects by the help of ofstream class as described in the question-statements.
- The ofstream is used to open the file in the c++ programing language, so when a user wants to use the ofstream to open the file in written mode, then he needs to follow the below syntax--
ofstream object("file_name_with_extension");
1.Use passwords that can't be easily guessed, and protect your passwords.
2.Minimize storage of sensitive information.
3.Beware of scams.
4.Protect information when using the Internet and email.
5.Make sure your computer is protected with anti-virus and all necessary "patches" and updates.
7.Secure laptop computers and mobile devices at all times: Lock them up or carry them with you.
8.Shut down, lock, log off, or put your computer and other devices to sleep before leaving them unattended, and make sure they require a secure password to start up or wake-up.
9.Don't install or download unknown or unsolicited programs/apps.
Secure your area before leaving it unattended.
10.Make backup copies of files or data you are not willing to lose.
The boss, since it’s none of her business that Delilah’s appointment was for mental health, and asking for a doctor’s note after the fact is harassment, and docking her pay might be illegal.
That's what I think (I hope I'm right).