The kind of data source is not known. Results may be invalid because some internet websites don’t upgrade their formats to the latest one. A lot of important details may also be missing from internet sites since some of their formats are incorrect while their data cannot be used as resource in some statistic software.
Under the direct method we ignore services that are provided to the other service departments.
In order to allocate the building operation costs to Operating department A, we need to determine what percentage of the building space taken up by Operating departments is used by Operation Department A.
There is a total of 50000 square feet and Operating Department A occupies 60%(30000/50000 of that.
So Operating Department A will get 60% of the building costs
i.e., 60% × 34800 = 20,880
B. The equilibrium price is below the price ceiling.
The answer to this question is C. 401k Plan
In 401k plan, employees could automatically deduct some part of their earning to be allocated to their retirement fund.
This deducted earning are considered pre-tax, so the total tax that employees will have to pay is based on the amount of the earning after the deduction.
The large heterogeneous market is a market structure where diverse commodities and services are available to the customers. Overall, large heterogeneous markets are known as 'Mass markets' or ' Total product market'. This market satisfies customer needs due to mass production of distinctive goods. In the large heterogeneous market, customers have different perspectives, wants, choices and nature etc.