- \' is used to escape a single quote in a string enclosed in single quotes like;
my_string = 'this is John\'s ball'.
- \n is used to jump to a new line, Eg;
my_string = "Johns is a good boy\nbut he hates going to school."
the next set of the string after the '\n' character is displayed on the next line.
- \t is used to add a tab space to a string.
my_string = 'Jane is \thungry'
the character adds four character spaces before the word 'hungry'.
- \r adds a carriage return (or enter in keyboards) to start a new block paragraph in a string.
my_string = "Johns is a good boy\rbut he hates going to school."
Escape sequences in programming are used to format strings or output syntax of a program. They always begin with the backslash. Examples of escape sequence are " \' ", "\n", "\t", "\r", etc.
Interoperability is the ability of or degree to which two or more systems usefully exchange information via interfaces in particular context. Interoperability can be defined in two ways which includes the ability to exchange data (syntactic interoperability) and also the ability to correctly interpret the data being exchanged (semantic interoperability).
If two systems failed to exchange information properly, it means they are not clear to interpret and not easy to communicate and get proper information from each other and that might result in a failed communication which is in turn result in security flaw.
Other quality attributes strongly related (at least potentially) to interoperability is Application Programming Interface (API)
API is a software intermediary that allows two applications to communicate to each other and are necessary for systems interoperability.
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Data values in a program are held in variables. Variables are like containers for holding different types of data. A variable can be identified depending on the kind of data it holds. Variables can hold data types of integers, strings, arrays, lists, sets, Boolean etc. They hold unique data types and a can not hold different data types. Different rules exist for naming variables in different programming languages. A variable name should start with lowercase letters and be descriptive of the data it holds.