I believe it's change the way text is wrapped around an object.
- it is an electronic device
- under control of another computer or human
- stored instructions as code
- accepts data from external source
- process the data it gets, for example filtering the data or modifying it
- produces information, for example AI created suggestions
- Stores Information on storage drives
1. VLOOKUP function.
2. SUMIF function.
3. COUNT function.
4. IF function.
5. HLOOKUP function.
Microsoft Excel is a software application or program designed and developed by Microsoft Inc., for analyzing and visualizing spreadsheet documents. There are different types of functions used in Microsoft Excel to perform specific tasks and these includes;
1. VLOOKUP function: it's an Excel function that avails end users the ability to lookup data in a table organized vertically. Thus, it's typically used for searching values in a column.
2. SUMIF function: it is an Excel function to sum cells that meet criteria such as text, dates and numbers. This function can be used with the following logical operators; <, >, and =.
3. COUNT function: it's an Excel function to find the total number of entries in a column. For example, to count the number of entries in B1:B15; COUNT(B2:B15).
4. IF function: runs a logical test and returns one value for a TRUE result, and another for a FALSE result. For example, to fail scores that are below 40; IF (A1 < 40, "Fail", "Pass").
5. HLOOKUP function: it's an Excel function that avails end users the ability to lookup data in a table organized horizontally. Thus, it's typically used for searching values in a column.