11.09 "Eleven and 9 hundredths" To convert decimals to fractions first put the decimal over 1, multiply by ten for every number after the decimal point and simplify.
(11.09/1)(10)(10) *Because there are 2 numbers after the . 0 and 9*
1109/100 This will be the most simplified you can get it! As a mixed number: 11 9/100
Follow these steps for the rest!
21.06 "twenty one and six thousandths" 1053/50 21 3/50
0.06 "six thousandths" or "zero and six thousandths" 3/50
0.50 "fifty thousandths" or "five tenths" since 0.50=0.5 1/2
6.15 "six and fifteen thousandths" 123/20 6 3/20
7.41 "seven and fourty one thousandths" 741/100 7 41/100