<span>Blunt abdomen tip; antennae and palps shorter than proboscis ) -APEX</span>
Osmosis is the movement of <em>water </em>from a region of higher water concentration to a region of lower water concentration across a selectively permeable membrane. Simply put, water passes across membranes into areas where more 'stuff' is dissolved.
In this system, The slice shriveled in salt solution. That means water left the potato's cells. Then the slice regained its shape when placed in pure water. That means water moved back into the cell.
A) <em>incorrect</em>. Salt does not move across the membrane
B) <em>incorrect</em>. If water moved into the slice, it would have swelled, not shriveled
C) correct. Water moved out of the cell into the more concentrated salt solution
D)<em>incorrect</em>. Placing the slice in pure water does not balance the concentration of salt between the cells and the water.<em />
The answer is C. We can suppose that the Grey gene is "A" and Black gene is "a". So the gene of heterozygous grey fruit fly is "Aa", and the black-bodied fruit fly is "aa". After mating, the offspring can get only "a" from balck-bodied fruit fly and has equal opportunity to get a "A" or "a" from heterozygous grey fruit fly. If the gene of offspring is "Aa", it will be grey. If "aa", it will be black. So the proportion of being black is 0.5.