The first one is d the second one is true the third one is false
Quick analysis tool.
Excel is a spreadsheet application package found in the Microsoft office suite. it's environment on the display screen is called a worksheet and a collection of the worksheets is called a workbook. The excel packet is used for data analysis and interpretation and presentation.
When a group of cells in a worksheet is selected, a small tool kit appears that the lower right corner, it is known as a quick analysis tool. It is use for easy and fast analysis and formatting of that selected group.
Give the type and value of each result of the following Java expressions. a. (5 / 2) * 2.0 type is float value is 4.0 b. (5/2.0) * 2 type is integer value is 5c. "1.3" + "5.2" type is string value is 1.35.2d. 1 + 7.0 + "2" + "x" this will produce an error because we cannot add variables of different type
I believe the charger has to be connected for it to turn on.
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