Here is the program:
current_time = '2014-07-26 02:12:18:'
my_city = ''
my_state = ''
log_entry = ''
my_city = input("") #reads in value for my_city
my_state = input("") #reads in value for my_state
log_entry = current_time + ' ' + my_city + ' ' + my_state #concatenates current_time, my_city and my_state values with ' ' empty space between them
You can also replace
log_entry = current_time + ' ' + my_city + ' ' + my_state
log_entry = f'{current_time} {my_city} {my_state}'
it uses f-strings to format the strings
If you want to hard code the values for my_city and my_state then you can replace the above
my_city = input("")
my_state = input("")
my_city = "Houston"
my_state = "Texas"
but if you want to read these values at the console from user then use the input() method.
The screenshot of the program along with the output is attached.