The name is this act was the coercive acts. These acts were also called the "Intolerable acts".
9.) It helped gain support for the civil rights movement.
10.) The first one (lol I'm not typing all that).
Answer: Is Congress
The Constitution grants Congress the sole power to declare war.
Slavic and Scandinavian countries are very rich in resources, and Russia wanted to control most trade in Europe until the collapse of the Soviet Union. More trade = More power and they were still recovering after the HARD losses when the Germans' invaded Leningrad and the war.
The Building of Tenochtitlan About 1325, the Aztecs began building a capital city on the island in Lake Texcoco. They called the new capital Tenochtitlan (tay»nohch«teet»LAHN). In some ways the place said to be chosen by Huitzilopochtli was a good one. Having water all around made the island city easy to defend against attack.