Spain is in between France and Portugal. This can be checked on a World map.
The correct answer should be Adams' equity theory.
According to this theory, employees want to be equal at work, especially if they produce the same amount of work. So, if Bob and Tom do the same work, obviously they want to have equal paycheck as the other one, which is why Bob is unhappy because Tom's wage is higher.
Two adjectives: encouragement and confidence
Another word is determination
It’s the first real battle in the revolution, yet the British won. The patriots got a huge self confidence boost, being determined that they could fight in this war. It encouraged many others to join.
The ability of young infants to make fine discriminations between sounds is particularly important in the development of their ability to understand <u>"Language."</u>
At 6 months, the monolingual newborn children could segregate between phonetic sounds, regardless of whether they were expressed in the dialect they were accustomed to hearing or in another dialect not talked in their homes. By 10 months to a year, notwithstanding, monolingual infants were never again recognizing sounds in the second dialect, just in the dialect they typically heard.
The analysts proposed this speaks to a procedure of "neural commitment," in which the baby mind wires itself to comprehend one dialect and its sounds.